We are pleased to announce Patrick Moore as our new Commercial Director. Patrick has recently had sustained success at both Donegal Celtic and Lisburn Distillery respectively.
As Director of Football, Patrick picked up boyhood Club Donegal Celtic from a struggling position, introduced to the fold by then Manager Liam Hunter. On the verge of exiting intermediate Football, Patrick was able to bring significant financial investment, appoint a new Management Team and begin the process of reforming their junior Football section in a very short turnaround.
After leaving Donegal Celtic in a strong position, Patrick was approached by Barry Johnston at Lisburn Distillery to come on board as Sport and Commercial Director. Playing a key part in Barry’s successful first season and being heavily involved in Talent ID, Financial Development and securing significant long term sponsorships for Distillery’s Mens 1st team, Ladies 1st team and both the boys and girls academies.
Patrick is the Head of Northern Ireland for a leading globally renowned recruitment business. In addition to his primary responsibility of bringing financial investment through local, national and international businesses, Patrick also brings employment opportunities to the club, staff and supporters. We encourage all those around the club that may be in need of work, short or long-term, to get in touch with Patrick to explore. Likewise, our local business owners in need of staff during this difficult time – get in touch. Patrick is here to support the Club and the wider Ballyclare Community. If you would like to contact Patrick, his email address is: [email protected]